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Writer's Lab - get help from Conor Kyle ($10) | ScriptCamp WordCamp

Network event
6 attendees from 6 groups hosting
Photo of Nacho
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Writer's Lab - get help from Conor Kyle ($10) | ScriptCamp WordCamp


Enter the live meeting room:

Phone: +16699009128,,98013340190#

Script Camp Writers Lab is an intensive script development session where Conor Kyle and other writers are available to help you work through specific problems with your project, whether it is a screenplay, novel, stage play or short story.

Through one-on-one chats with a professional screenwriter and author, lab participants engage in a rigorous process that helps you get past whatever issues you encounter during the outlining and writing process.

How to join this Lab?
• Purchase this session a la carte on meetup; or
• Join unlimited: (from $10/month, includes all live bootcamps and labs)

The Writers Lab meets 2x/week:

Fridays at 12pm pacific / 2pm central / 3pm eastern / 5pm Santiago-São Paulo / 8pm London / 9pm Central European time

Saturdays 4pm pacific / 6pm central / 7pm eastern / 9pm Santiago-São Paulo / Sunday 8am Perth / Sunday 11am Sydney / Sunday 1pm Auckland

We believe learning should be free and accessible to everyone. We've lowered monthly tuition, so all classes are free or very low cost (from $10/month). If you would like to attend but can't afford any paid class, you can request a tuition waiver at

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SkillCamp UK/Ireland
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