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The Script Swap (FREE Screenwriting Meetup)

Photo of Nacho
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The Script Swap (FREE Screenwriting Meetup)


Enter the live meeting room here:
Need feedback on your screenplay? Bring it to the Swap!

How does it work?

  • Use this form to submit your screenplay to the Swap:
  • Then join the voice channel on Friday (Saturday Aus/NZ):
  • During this session, you will be matched up with other writers to swap critiques.
  • If you want feedback on your script, you will need to read at least one other script. (If you want two sets of notes, you will need to read two scripts, and so on.) We will try to match everyone with scripts of a similar genre and page length.
  • You have one week to read the other person's script.
  • At the next session, give your feedback and you shall receive feedback from others!

Remember, to participate and receive critiques, you must attend the entire session on Discord and be willing to swap critiques with others
11m (Pacific) 1pm (Central) 2pm (Eastern) 4pm (Argentina-Brazil-Chile) 7pm (GMT) 8pm (Central European Time)

Feedback Tips:

  • Start with the Positive: Begin by highlighting what’s working well in the script. Also consider where this writer is on their journey and whether you’ve noticed improvement compared to their previous scripts.
  • Be Specific: Use specific examples from the script to illustrate your points.
  • Priorities: What are the most critical suggestions you can share? Concentrate on the story, characters, and scenework rather than nitpicking minor details. If this is a complete feature or TV pilot, help the writer understand any big structure problems making their story less coherent.
  • Characters & Dialogue: Who was driving the story? Did you root for them? Were their scene goals and obstacles clear? Did the dialogue sound distinct for each character and reveal their personality?
  • Series Format: For pilots, is there an audience for this show concept? Did you get a sense of what it would be like to watch a typical episode of this show?
  • Genre & Tone: Does this script meet the expectations of its intended audience? Does it live up to the premise? Do descriptions and dialogue evoke the right genre-specific mood? Consider how fans of the writer’s genre or comps will respond, even if you are not a fan of this genre.
  • Be Considerate: Understand that the writer may be emotionally attached to their work. An empathetic choice of words can help writers process your advice more easily.

Q: I don’t have a script ready yet. Is it okay if I just join to listen and learn?
A: Absolutely, everyone is welcome to join.
Q: I’m worried that my script sucks, should I still bring it?
A: This is a process. Nobody will be perfect. We’re here to support you, which means pointing out the parts that are awesome and providing honest feedback for improvement.
Q: My script is not in standard screenwriting format.
A: Please re-type your using screenwriting software before uploading it to the google form. If it is not in standard screenplay format, it’s difficult for readers to provide helpful feedback on the pacing and many other aspects of your script. Some free screenwriting software options:

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SkillCamp UK/Ireland
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