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Eighth Annual Pocaterra Ridge - North to South (T4)

Photo of Duffy
Hosted By
Duffy and Margie M.
Eighth Annual Pocaterra Ridge - North to South (T4)


What to Expect:
Trip logistics tentative due to construction @ Highwood Pass Day Use. Also weather may impact this trip.

The ridge is known for its views but is also very scenic and photogenic during larch season. Note that while larch season is nearing its climax this will still be a golden hike. According to author Mike Potter: "This is an enjoyable ridge walk among rugged peaks, one whose easy access seems out of proportion to its scenic rewards ( which include golden larches in autumn.)".
Also the ridge undulates with 4 distinct bumps (peaks) to hike up that will give your legs a good workout.

Event Type: Ridge Hike from N-S- and return to north trailhead

Group Size: >12 & <24

Trip Description:
Pocaterra Ridge - Spectacular Mountains

Weather Forecast: Expect Alberta mountain weather so be prepared.

Distance: <7 kms (one way) 4 peaks. Distance may vary depending upon whether we go to final peak and then bypass the closure area on the way to the south parking lot or stop before 3rd peak and return to Little Highwood trailhead.

Elevation Gain: depends on who you read or trust. Four different versions considering a N to S or S to N: a) 550m gain/ 875 loss; b) 460 m; c) 1036m; d) 785m.

Physical Difficulty: moderate

Event Pace: Steady and not so slow or as fast as the slowest one of us.

Trip Duration: >6 Hrs on trail; ~3hrs driving.

Required Gear : Backpack, sturdy hiking boots, layered clothing to handle wet, wind and possible winter conditions, mitts/gloves, personal first aid kit, hydration - suggest 2L water; fuel - lunch/snack.

Suggested Gear: Hiking poles, gaiters, toque, icers (Kahtoola style), camera, headlamp, extra batteries.

Gas Fee will be $20.00 per passenger for this trip.

No dogs or guests. All attendees must be Slow & Steady member.
Once you have answered all questions, you'll be placed on a waiting list until approval from your event hosts. I will NOT proceed in order and only pick qualified persons.

Your Event Host reserves the right to remove member as he sees fit without prior notice for the safety and comfort of the group. If I'm not familiar with your hiking history I will be contacting you. Also, when you RSVP please include your real name and a photo of yourself or you will be moved to the waiting list. Trip will have a limit of participants! We use a program that alerts us to double booking on meetup. If I get an alert I will take you off the hike.

Waivers: As per the new policy for waivers, you will be requested to sign the waiver form which will be with me at both the Calgary Meetup location and the trailhead. You are required to read the Slow and Steady Hiker Club Waiver: You must sign it before you will be allowed to go on this event. You will also be asked for the name and phone number of an emergency contact. Please come prepared with this information.

**Disclaimer:**You are fully aware that organizers are not professional guides and you assume all responsibility for your safety and well-being. All participants are responsible for assessing the current road conditions, current weather conditions, your current physical condition, current trail conditions and current avalanche conditions for the trip and you are responsible for your safety and well-being. You are fully prepared with proper gear and you're physically fit to do this hike with the group. You are fully aware that your hosts are volunteers and not trained guides and you assume all responsibility for your own safety and well-being.

Photo of Slow and Steady Hikers group
Slow and Steady Hikers
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