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Mt. Yamnuska: Raven's End - Relaxed pace.

Photo of Violetta
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Mt. Yamnuska: Raven's End - Relaxed pace.


We only will hike to the Raven's end. If the groups is strong we will go trough the chimney to look at "the brightest side" :)

  • Please do NOT sign up if you CAN'T stay with the group!!!
  • Previous Hiking experience is a Must.
  • Please Answer question(s) if you decide to sign up.
  • Moderate pace down hill, slower up hill. We will take brakes if needed: D-layering, Water/Snacks, Pictures, Bio-breaks or to enjoy the views.
  • A WAITING list has automatically been created. This is NOT a first come, first serve event & at the discretion of the organizer!!!!
  • NO TURTLES!!!!


Bring good attitude to live and lots of smiles. Read the provided references and Familiarize yourself with the details.
We will hike together as a group!!!!!!!!



Mt. Yamnuska parking lot.
Distance: ~8
Difficulty: Moderate
Elevation gain: ~555m
Time: ~3.5 hours
Pace: relaxed
No dogs, No children

Time: This is ALL day event!!

A Conservation Pass is required to park at Provincial Parks

Carpooling: Organize on your own. Suggested Gas fee: $20


It is a requirement to read the following trip posting carefully and to make the proper and responsible preparations for it. Failure to do so, will result in participant not allowed on this trip.

If the organizer deems it necessary to obtain additional information from you, please provide it, otherwise, you will be moved to the waiting list. As a potential participant, you must check this trip posting for additional directions from the organizer, including up to trip cancellation.

• Good Hiking boots are required!
• Park Pass!
• Wind/water resistant jacket, gloves, toque, hat, layers. BE prepared for all weather!!
• Hiking poles if you use them
• Gaiters if you wish
• Water - Lots of it/lunch/snacks
• BEAR Spray - MANDATORY!!!!!!!
• Smiles :) :) Lots of them :)
• Chocolates are welcome too (goes well with smiles)

CODE OF CONDUCT: By signing up for this hike, you agree to abide by the rules and regulations outlined in the Code of Conduct.

WAIVER: You must sign our club waiver before you are allowed to go on this trip. You will need to provide an emergency name and phone number to be recorded on the waiver. The organizer will have a group waiver for you to sign at the meetup location and/or the trailhead. You are required to read the Slow and Steady Hiker Club Waiver prior to arriving:

Disclaimer: You are fully aware that your hosts are VOLUNTEERS and NOT Trained Guides and you assume all responsibility for your own safety and well-being. All participants are responsible for assessing the current road conditions, current weather conditions, your current physical condition, current trail conditions and current avalanche conditions (if applicable) for the trip and you are responsible for your safety and well-being. You are fully prepared with proper gear and you're physically fit to do this hike with the group

Photo of Slow and Steady Hikers group
Slow and Steady Hikers
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Saturday, September 21, 2024
4:00 PM
Needs a location
1 spot left