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RangeDay goes beyond traditional marksmanship training by incorporating offensive combative skills into its curriculum. In addition to honing shooting proficiency, participants have the opportunity to learn essential techniques for defensive scenarios, enhancing their readiness and effectiveness in real-world situations.
Certified instructors with backgrounds in law enforcement, military, and self-defense lead sessions on offensive combative skills, covering topics such as close-quarters shooting, defensive tactics, and situational awareness. Participants learn to navigate high-stress environments and respond effectively to threats, equipping them with the knowledge and confidence to protect themselves and others.
Through hands-on drills and scenario-based training, participants develop critical skills for engaging threats at close range, including drawing from concealment, shooting on the move, and engaging multiple targets. Emphasis is placed on practicality and efficiency, ensuring that participants are prepared to defend themselves in dynamic and unpredictable situations.
While offensive combative skills are a vital aspect of RangeDay, safety remains paramount. Instructors stress the importance of responsible firearm use and adherence to established safety protocols at all times. Participants are encouraged to train with a mindset of self-discipline and restraint, understanding that the ultimate goal is to de-escalate and avoid conflict whenever possible.
By integrating offensive combative skills into its training curriculum, RangeDay empowers participants to become well-rounded and capable shooters, prepared to confront a wide range of threats with confidence and competence. Whether for personal protection or professional duty, the skills learned at RangeDay provide a solid foundation for success in the field and on the range.

COVID-19 safety measures

Event will be outdoor
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The event host is instituting the above safety measures for this event. Meetup is not responsible for ensuring, and will not independently verify, that these precautions are followed.
Photo of So Cal-R2BA Shooting Club group
So Cal-R2BA Shooting Club
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Every 2nd Sunday of the month

Needs a location
20 spots left