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Bobinsana Handpan Ceremony with Kara Cura

Photo of Kathryn B
Hosted By
Kathryn B.
Bobinsana Handpan Ceremony with Kara Cura


Please join us for a beautiful, heart opening Bobinsana Tea & Handpan Ceremony with Kara Cura on Friday, October 11th from 6-8pm. 🪷

Bobinsana is a sacred Master Plant Teacher and medicine from the plants in Central & South America, cooked in the tradition of the Shipibo Kanabo tribes she has lived and worked with for the past 8 years.

This offering was born in the sacred village of San Marcos La Laguna in Guatemala where Kara lived for six years. It was birthed from her heart to begin to offer this Master Plant Teacher that walks with her deeply after dieting her over 40 times.

Kara has shared this event around the world the past six years while she did yearly tours to USA, Iceland, Ireland, Ibiza, France, Portugal, and Greece.

Bobinsana is a Master Teacher that opens the heart - allowing you to touch base into a deep self-love that is beyond words. And as you can imagine - brings along Unconditional Love lessons too.

Bobinsana has personally taught Kara not just the Unconditional Love piece, but also shares so much by assisting opening her voice - for singing and sharing frequency healings - along with channeling.

We are thrilled to have you experience this Peruvian Jungle medicine with a beautiful handpan ceremony at Pineapple Sage Wellness at Franny's Farm. Please bring a yoga mat, pillow, blanket, water, and comfortable clothes. 🤍

Please read more about Kara at

Friday, October 11 from 6-8pm
25 Franny's Farm Road

Please Venmo $33 @Kara-Cura to confirm your spot.

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Social Events at Pineapple Sage Wellness (Frannys Farm)
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25 Franny's Farm Road, · Leicester, NC
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