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Infrastructure as Code: Choose Our Adventure

Photo of David L. Willson
Hosted By
David L. W.
Infrastructure as Code: Choose Our Adventure


Infrastructure as Code: Choose Our Adventure

Pulumi or Ansible or Terraform (OpenTofu)!

When you RSVP for this event, comment with the IaC product/s you are interested in learning, in descending preference order. If you don't care what we learn, don't comment. If you do, do. Heh.

Example: If you most want to learn Pulumi, want to learn Ansible next most, and want to learn Terraform least, comment, "Pulumi, Ansible, Terraform". Add only the IaC products you want to learn to your comment.

Comment your location preference the same way.

Example: If you like in-person best, online next best, and hybrid least, you might comment, "Comfy Room, online, hybrid". If you like in-person at some other place than the Comfy Room, say that location, too or instead, and I'll do my best to book it, if it wins. If you're very far from Denver, you definitely want to prefer online or hybrid, unless you're down for a road-trip. Don't mention locations you don't like, and if you don't care about location, don't comment a location preference.

On Saturday, Ocober 5th, at about noon, the comments will be resolved as a ranked-choice vote, and this post will be updated with the IaC product most of us with an opinion want to learn and the location where we want to learn it.

No matter which IaC product wins, we'll try to use it to create a couple machines, a couple security groups, and a shared volume / file bucket. And then DESTROY THEM. And then create them again! And then, push them off a shelf, to see what happens. (Kidding. It's a humorous reference to the banner pic.)

Regardless of the vote results, this will be an expert-led, hands-on class, and the price will be 64 USD or PWYC.

Photo of Software Freedom School in Denver group
Software Freedom School in Denver
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