7th Annual Day Hike @ Belle Isle
When: December 21, 2023
At 10 am
Where: Belle Isle State Park
Meet at Parking lot at the Belle Isle Aquarium
Reminder: Dress for cold weather and it may be windy.
The hike will take place unless the national weather service says to stay indoors.
Host: Laura Miller
Contact Number: 734.748.2687
Cost: Hike is free, but you will need a State Park Pass to get onto Belle Isle.
The aquarium and museum are free but donations are welcome.
Conservatory is closed for renovation.
Come hike and explore this historic island. We will hike some of the trails and see the historic lighthouse, then visit the aquarium and museum. If people want to go to lunch after that is an option.
Belle Isle map with points of interest: https://ddf6de7e-3806-4661-b798-baff4d6eaa5d.filesusr.com/ugd/c20a5a_e313cf972134452ca52f03852f9af5d3.pdf
Belle Isle Map with trails: https://ddf6de7e-3806-4661-b798-baff4d6eaa5d.filesusr.com/ugd/c20a5a_6cbe9ddbc540439189eb3e28853c0251.pdf
Note: I will be there ready to hike so dress for the weather. The only reason the hike will be cancelled is if the National Weather Service says to stay indoors or seek shelter.
After lunch, I will be going to Pewabic Pottery to see what they have for the holiday season at 10125 E Jefferson Ave, Detroit, MI 48214. Pewabic Pottery is a ceramic studio and school in Detroit, Michigan. Founded in 1903, the studio is known for its iridescent glazes, some of which grace notable buildings such as the Shedd Aquarium and Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.
7th Annual Day Hike @ Belle Isle