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What we’re about

Solid State Depot is THE Boulder Makerspace. Founded in 2010 at a local coffee shop, we have graduated to our own space at 5765 Arapahoe Ave, Unit B, 80303. We have a comprehensive set of tools and have developed quite the community.

Have no clue what a makerspace is? Simple, it's a place for hackers, tinkerers, makers, artists, musicians, engineers, scientists, crafters, gamers, players and doers to get to together, work on projects, share ideas and create something great. They're often referred to as a hackerspace, shared workshop, makershop, and many more.

Come visit us at Solid State Depot every Thursday night, 5:00PM, where we offer an open house-style meetup. Here we open ourselves up to the public to show off our space, our projects and ourselves. Whether you're a veteran maker or are completely new to makerspaces, we invite you to come and see what we're all about. Our members' interests range from software, hardware, electronics, woodworking, machining, welding, art, sewing, crafting, sustainability, interactivity, philosophy to many other areas. If you have an idea you want to get off the ground, if you don't have the space or tools to work on a project, if you're looking for like-minded folks, if you need help brainstorming, if you just want a place to hang out and chat, we're here for you. Other meetups include workshops, classes and other events, so stay tuned.

If you would like to become a full-time, paying member, please visit our website for more information: Membership gets you 24/7 access to the space, access to all of our tools and supplies (with proper training), discounts on classes/workshops and supplies, and access to all the wonderful members of our community.

Upcoming events (4+)

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