How to Read Your Akashic Records Online Class Series
Before we are born, we pass through the "veil of forgetfulness."
We are not meant to know, at first, what circumstances will come to us in our lives, or which past lives we have had with loved ones, or why we experience a hardship that we actually planned to break a pattern from past incarnations.
But, when we tap into the Akashic Records, we are given some hints to help us navigate our lives.
The Akashic Records are a dimensional space of healing and light that we can all access. In this space is a record of every human event, situation and experience that's occurred throughout time. It's also referred to as the "Book of Life" in religious texts.
In the Records, we can access past lives and Divine guidance to learn why things are occurring in our lives that we hadn't previously understood. And this helps us move through challenges, to break patterns and to learn lessons.
And why do we want to do all of these things?
So we can clear away whatever has been holding us back from fully stepping into becoming our highest and best selves, so that we can be of service and share our gifts and light with others.
We will know we are living in this new highest state of consciousness when we feel we spend most of our time in a flow, in a sense of peace, in a state of trust and fully understanding our purpose and how to be in this life.
We may still experience challenges in relationships with other people, as we break past life patterns, but it gets easier to move through the challenges with each passing moment.
It can be hard when we don't understand why something is happening, but when we ask our Divine guides to help us learn a lesson, we begin to move through the stages of soul growth.
Accessing our own Akashic Records can help us understand what those lessons are and how to move through them with grace and ease.
I am so delighted to be teaching a live, online class series of How to Read the Akashic Records to teach you how to access your own Records, starting December 5, 2024.
In my time teaching others how to read the Akashic Records (which I am currently doing with students in the Intuitive Guide Program), it's been wonderful to hear how powerful their experiences have been.
One person said just the other week:"The Akashic Records are everything! Everyone needs to know how to do this!"
This class is offered as "pay from the heart" for the next month :)
Come check it out at
I hope you'll join us if it's calling you!
How to Read Your Akashic Records Online Class Series