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Sound Bath


2nd and 4th Tuesdays every month (7:30pm on Tuesdays)
1st and 3rd Fridays every month (7pm on Fridays)

Please check schedule and register here

Our transformational new Sound Bath experience, with Leigh Higgins and Brendan Gibbons, has been designed as a completely immersive self-care experience that assists in overall healing throughout the mind-body in all of its interconnectedness.

Physical: Sound vibrations stimulate the limbic system, forcing your muscles to relax and shifting us out of stress or anxiety modes by activating the PSNS/Vagus nerve. This stops the flow of stress hormones, and releases "feel-good" hormones, which lowers heart rate and blood pressure. Because the body is mostly water, it is a great conductor of sound! When these vibrations travel through the body, they promote healthy energy flow, circulation and overall rejuvenation.

Emotional: By connecting us to our heart energy, a sound bath has the amazing ability to shift lower vibrational frequencies that can lead to feelings of shame, guilt, anger, fatigue, and depression—to healthier, higher frequencies that promote feelings of peace, love, and joy.

Mental: When we listen to sound, it helps us to disengage from thoughts and unhealthy mental patterns that sometimes become overwhelming. This sound bath was designed to assist in creating the mental space we need to achieve focus and clarity of thought, while allowing the mind to clear and reset.

Energetic: Sound healing facilitates the release of energetic blockages while promoting energy flow, bringing us back into ease, health, harmony and balance. It actually synchronizes your brainwaves to achieve profound states healing and relaxation!

Spiritual: It is nothing short of profound... Sound healing elevates our sense of spiritual well-being by disconnecting from the thinking mind and tapping into the higher self. It allows us to open up and connect more deeply with ourselves. By setting an intention, we are able to receive messages/information about our lives, as well as what actions are in your highest good.

Please check the schedule at here
Some months have 5 Tuesdays and the schedule may change to accommodate special events.

Please register and pay online before event to ensure a spot and confirm there have been no schedule changes.

Register here

Price: $44

Photo of Sound, Breath and Shamanic Circles group
Sound, Breath and Shamanic Circles
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Every 2 weeks on Tuesday

Urban Souls Yoga
100 Hudson St, 4th floor · Hoboken, nj
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