What we’re about
Welcome to Southampton Shenanigans! We are a diverse and energetic group that brings together outdoor enthusiasts, gamers, networking women, foodies, party animals, and karaoke and choir singers. Join us for a combination of leisurely walks, sea shanty singing, nights on the town, and much, much more!
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- Visosport - Fun Games for Adults of All LevelsAtherley Bowling Club , Southampton SO15 5DB£5.00
See a Visosport video at Visosport Youtube Video 1
Are you ready to have some fun while playing sports? Visosport welcomes people of all levels to join in on the action! Our sessions include 6-9 games that are based around various sports. The games are designed to be challenging for those who are confident, yet still allow success for those who are less so. This means that everyone can enjoy themselves and feel accomplished.
See another Visosport video at Visosport Youtube Video 2
Our focus is on the enjoyment of the games, rather than competition. So, you can expect a warm and welcoming environment that encourages socialising. We even meet up for drinks and a chat afterwards! All equipment is provided, but don't forget to bring a drink of water. Wear whatever clothing you feel comfortable in, but make sure your footwear is non-slip. Sessions are available for adults of all ability levels from 18 years upwards. Join us for an outdoor session indoors at Atherley Bowling Club, Hill Lane, Southampton, SO15 5DB and park for free. Your facilitator Paul will guide you through the games and is available for support throughout. The first session is free of charge, and sessions thereafter cost only £5. Sign up now on our website at www.visosport.net/book-online. More people will attend the session than are signed up on this group as they sign up elsewhere.
See a further Visosport video at Visosport Youtube Video 3