SNAC Meeting
Special Date for combined November and December meetings.
The Southern New Hampshire Apple Core (SNAC) is a not-for-profit, dues supported organization, with membership open to anyone wishing to participate in our interest in the use and enjoyment of Apple Computers and other Apple devices.
Monthly meetings are informal and include presentations or demos on a wide range of Apple related hardware and software products. Time is given during every meeting to discuss user problems and questions, share ideas and get help from more knowledgeable members in the group. The meetings are usually held at 7-9 p.m. on the last Wednesday of the month downstairs at the Nashua Public Library, 2 Court Street, Nashua, NH. Visitors are always welcome!
SNAC is a member of the Apple User Group Connection which provides us with the most up to date information on our favorite computers direct from Apple.
Every last Wednesday of the month
SNAC Meeting