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What we’re about

A new thing, Church plant in Rancho Cucamonga area of Southern California is looking for Elders, Worship Leader, Media Leader, Evangelists, Gatherers, Pastors and Shepherds to develop, establish and expand a ministry expression. The plan is for establishment, continuation and expansion. We go deep in Christ together, and grow up and out together among the unChrist-ed world, so to speak. As well, the leader wants to raise up shepherds to multiply the ministry locally and throughout the nation. He has a shepherd's heart, that of being one in the likeness of Jer. 3:15 and Psalm 78:72. For more information, see the website and go under "our story" and "about" and "beliefs" to understand The Standard's founder and leader's burden and reason for its birth. It is simple in theory. Broadly, the ministry is a non-denominational, unaffiliated Christian expression that is similar to Protestantism, Evangelicalism, and Mainline Christianity in aspects of "we are saved by grace through faith and not of works or ourselves." However, we differ in that we do not abandon the Sabbath. Essentially, for simple understanding, just shift Sunday to Saturday, keep the songs/hymns, teaching/preaching (expository and "expressional" as inspired by the Lord), prayer, open for (not required or regular) healing, deliverance, and the Holy Spirit as we seek God together each time we convene (as seen in the Gospels and Acts), then we embrace and engage in communion together and fellowship. Nonetheless, the gathering or "service" is not the primary point of the faith or the ministry. Again, read the website. This is where Christianity and this ministry diverge. If Christianity and its churches seem powerless and useless, then you understand the heart and purpose of the fellowship currently. Just let the Holy Spirit easily, seamlessly, and restfully enlighten the simplicity of scripture to you and you will have the pulse.

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