What we’re about
standby. is a community-oriented, writers-led collective in Seoul with the shared goal of creating a brave space to celebrate all genres of writing.
Our gatherings and performances serve as a platform for writers from all walks of life to share their stories, feelings, and perspectives. By celebrating and supporting each other’s literary endeavors, we embrace diversity, creative expression, and engagement at different levels.
We encourage writing of all styles as well as different languages, and our community is welcoming to all backgrounds regardless of nationality, gender, religion, ethnicity, orientation, different ability levels, or English language level. The only thing we don’t tolerate is intolerance, so please remain respectful of and grateful for each other’s differences.
standby. is run on a volunteer basis by Korean locals and foreigners alike, so if you enjoy what we’re doing, please let us know if you’d be interested in helping organize future events like You & Your Page.