What we’re about
Hi, here is the event group organized by café Storybook (Osaka Umeda). In a space where you can slowly enjoy more than 500 picture books, including the picture books not only from various regions of Japan but also from overseas. Moreover, there is a large collection of characters from picture books surrounding over you around your seat. Here we regularly hold events for every one who likes books, and wanna sharing and make friends. Family welcome.
Our goals 私たちの目標は:
・ Inherit the picture book culture
Picture books can be enjoyed by children and adults of all ages.
We would like to hold event for regular storytelling where we can communicate directly with picture book authors.
・ 絵本文化を継承したい
・ a place for picture book authors to comunicate
There are many picture book writers who continue to make picture books with many individuals. We would like to hold events for them to comunicate with picture book lovers at café Storybook.
・ 絵本作家さんの発信の場にしたい
・ foreigner visitors to enjoy local japan
Not only Japanese people, but also foreigner visitors can communicate and sharing ideas through picture books. We would like to hold events to disseminate the wonderful picture book culture of Japan to the world.
・ インバウンドの方々にも楽しんでほしい