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Don't get stuck forever

Photo of Jeff
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Don't get stuck forever


Let's meet and grouse and maybe find catharsis, or perhaps just understanding. Maybe the same thing, could be at least.


1-- brief discription of your journey to Austin, in Austin, and a one word free association that comes to mind when thinking of Austin (Austin Austin Austin)
2-- a concrete complaint about Austin
3--a spiritual complaint about Austin
4--break down the complaint(s): I'm grateful for the complaint because..., This is important because..., How this makes me feel is...
5--One thing that's good about Austin. Bonus: specifically compare to another city and/or situation, etc.
6--One thing I can do specifically before the next meet up to make Austein a better place to live, or to make it better for my personal situation to live in Austin

This is just an outline. I like to have framework not for rigidity, but as a guideline. We'll see where this goes, salon style.

Photo of Stuck in Austin group
Stuck in Austin
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