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Divine Feminine Lemurian Regression for Crystal Temple Healing

Photo of Dr. Kenzie Rhodes DD
Hosted By
Dr. Kenzie Rhodes DD .
Divine Feminine Lemurian Regression for Crystal Temple Healing


Have you always been intrigued by stories of Ancient Lemuria; a beautiful land, shrouded in myth and legend, which is said to have existed during a time in Earth's history when consciousness was higher than it has ever been before....or since? It was a place where crystal healing temples held the frequencies of all the wisdom and healing power of the Cosmos, and could be accessed freely by any and all.

Take a magical hypnotic regression journey back in time to beautiful, powerful Lemuria; to a time before Atlantis. Travel back to a time before the Cataclysms, back to a time before the core wounds and seals stemming from the Lemurian Holocaust fractured our collective consciousness as well as that of Earth. Travel back to a time before the fracturing of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine into their shadow archetypes of the toxic masculine and toxic feminine.... fractured from Truth... fractured from each other.

The Divine Feminine Lemurian Regression is a magical journey, led by a master regression hypnotist. She will take you back in time to when Earth was much younger, so that you can personally experience the ancient land of Lemuria and expand your consciousness, remove blockages and restore your DNA in the crystal temples. The power of healing intentions are magnified within a group container, and this shared journey will be profound for all who give their conciousness to the experience; join us and help to add your unique, energetic signature to the group!

*Note: This invitation is being offered exclusively to members of our Meetup Community at this time at a special, one-time discount to
reach as many people as possible during this planetary ascension cycle.
Dr. Kenz received priestess activation in her own Lemurian regression journey with her mentor Indigo Angel and since then has been able to guide others on this expansive journey through her own mastery of hypnotic technique and her lineage as a Guardian of the Blue Flame. You can learn more about Lemuria and the core wounding on Indie's website: Stargate Repair, Lemurian Regression, Golden Temple Healing, The Womb Temple Implant and Tag Removal (

Photo of Students of Spiritual Alchemy group
Students of Spiritual Alchemy
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Thursday, November 7, 2024
11:59 PM
Online event
Link visible for attendees
50 spots left