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Exploring Mantras and Mala Beads

Photo of Dr. Kenzie Rhodes DD
Hosted By
Dr. Kenzie Rhodes DD .
Exploring Mantras and Mala Beads


The first emanation of the Divine was pure Sound....and Creation was born.

In Ancient India, the Rishis were scribes of the Vedas; masters in Vedic traditions, and much of the knowledge that they carried has been brought to the West by spiritual journeyers such as Thomas Ashley Ferrand and Sadhguru. A powerful practice associated with these teachings is mantra chanting.
- Mantras, or "sacred utterings" are tools seeded in holistic life-giving frequencies; they vibrate with the resonance of Creation. Dr. Kenz had the pleasure of participating in an immersive workshop taught by Rajeshwari, Bahvani and Bharata, first generation students of Thomas Ashley-Ferrand; Namadeva Acharya.

Spiritual seekers who apply themselves to a regular practice of mantra chanting inevitably find that their Consciousness rises over time, and outer changes in life circumstances are a natural result. Research has also confirmed the positive effects of mantra chanting on an individual's body, mind and spirit. Using a mala, or a string consisting of 108 prayer beads, is a way to focus intention during the process of mantra chanting.

Join the Students of Spiritual Alchemy in exploring some of the ways that mantras and malas can be used in the development of foundational spiritual practice....and we will finish up with a group chant. Bring your mala beads and come along for an interesting evening!

Photo of Students of Spiritual Alchemy group
Students of Spiritual Alchemy
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