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The Language of the Body; how dis-ease is a message

Photo of Dr. Kenzie Rhodes DD
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Dr. Kenzie Rhodes DD .
The Language of the Body; how dis-ease is a message


"We are spiritual beings residing in physical bodies. Hence, what we feel physically can be a manifestation of what is going on in our spirit. It is critical for our spiritual growth that we listen to what our bodies are trying to tell us." - Julia Cannon, author of Soul Speak.

Through her past life regression hypnosis work with thousands of clients over a career that spanned more than forty years, Dolores Cannon discovered that dis-ease, symptoms and physical issues are all messages that the body is attempting to communicate to us. Sometimes, they originate in past lives which we have brought forward into this lifetime; even more often, they are the result of our making choices that do not align with our highest path of Soul evolution in THIS lifetime. They are always meant to teach us something, and all too often....we are just not getting the message. Instead, we frantically attempt to suppress and shove down the "symptoms", medicating them away, cutting and severing them from the body, and relying upon "authorities" outside of the self for answers.

Understanding the language of the body, and paying attention to the signs and symptoms are essential for spiritual growth in this lifetime, and looking within rather without is crucial for us if we are to even begin to take back our Sovereignty. Join Students of Spiritual Alchemy for a dive into Julia and Dolores' observations about the messages that the body is sending....with the goal of greater understanding.

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Students of Spiritual Alchemy
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