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Gridworking - working with stargates, leys and Earth energy.

Photo of Dr. Kenzie Rhodes DD
Hosted By
Dr. Kenzie Rhodes DD .
Gridworking -  working with stargates, leys and Earth energy.


Do crystals and stones resonate with you? Are you drawn to sacred sites in Nature, instinctively recognizing the power that is held here? Can you feel the health ....or dis-ease in lands surrounding an area?
-- If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, you just might be a Gridworker.

The Earth's architectural blueprint....the Grid.......mirrors the blueprint of the human; with energy lines (leys and meridians), chakras (vortices), and a biofield frequency that is measurable...the Schumann Resonance. Earth has Consciousness all her own, and energy healers who work intentionally with Earth Energies are called Gridworkers.

Gridworkers actively work with:

  • Cleansing and clearing blocked or siphoned ley lines, nodes and vortices, and surrounding lands.
  • Releasing locked-in land trauma caused by catastrophic events .
  • Raising the overall frequency in a location; areas in nature and homes and businesses which have experienced harmful effects from recent and current past events, activities, or technologies.
  • Clearing consciousness-suppressing implants in the human auric field which are anchored by distortions in the Earth's grid.

Feng Shui is an example of an ancient Eastern spiritual discipline/practice that rests upon foundational recognition of Earth Energy, as are many Indigenous traditions that have come down to us through the ages.

Join the Students of Spiritual Alchemy for a fascinating exploration into Earth Energies, Earth's architecture, and gridworking!

Photo of Students of Spiritual Alchemy group
Students of Spiritual Alchemy
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