15.5 mph-37.7M-Hilly Mondauk Common Park to Conshy via CH & MYK 10:00AM
Hosted By
Wesley W.

Join Wes for a Hilly Ride from Mondauk Common Park to the Feine Cafe in Conshy (mile 23.2). This 13 mph, 37.7 mile Hilly route averages 60 ft/mile of climbing. Optional Restroom breaks at mile 6.6 (James Cisco Park (port-a-loo??) and mile 20.3 (Aims Academy Soccer Field-port-a-loo??).
Strongly recommend that you carry 2 water bottles and some snacks for the intermediate breaks.
Restrooms at the Start
Rain Cancels.
Ride with GPS route is https://ridewithgps.com/routes/49920544

Suburban Cyclists Unlimited (SCU) Meetup
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15.5 mph-37.7M-Hilly Mondauk Common Park to Conshy via CH & MYK 10:00AM
9 spots left