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What we’re about

This group explores the rich world of Sufi literature through discussions, book clubs, author talks, and more. Whether you are a seasoned scholar or just starting to delve into the mystical realm of Sufism, celebrate and learn from this beautiful tradition of storytelling and poetry. Let's come together to read, share , and deepen our understanding of Sufi literature. Join us on this literary journey of spiritual enlightenment and wisdom.

Our meetup group focuses on the beauty and wisdom of Sufi literature, and we kindly ask that discussions remain centered on spirituality, poetry, and personal growth, rather than political or divisive topics.

As we share our insights and experiences, we kindly ask all members to observe the following adab (etiquette) to create a warm and harmonious environment for all:

  1. Respectful Speech: Speak kindly and mindfully, always honoring the perspectives and experiences of others. In Sufi tradition, words are seen as powerful tools for connection, so let’s use them with care and compassion.
  2. Active Listening: Listening is as important as speaking. When others share their thoughts, listen deeply, with patience and an open heart. This fosters understanding and mutual respect, essential elements of Sufi practice.
  3. Humility in Sharing: Whether you're a seasoned scholar or a newcomer to Sufi literature, we are all students on this spiritual journey. Share your knowledge and experiences with humility, and be open to learning from others.
  4. Sincerity and Intent: Sufi gatherings are spaces of sincerity (ikhlas). Participate with a genuine heart, bringing your true self to the group. Be present, and engage with a spirit of curiosity and respect for the sacred teachings.
  5. Gratitude and Grace: Express gratitude for the opportunity to learn together. Sufi teachings remind us that every interaction is a chance to practice grace and kindness.

By observing these simple yet profound etiquettes, we honor the spirit of Sufism and create a space where all can learn, share, and grow together on this journey toward spiritual wisdom and enlightenment.

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