Solstice Assembly and Potluck!
The darkness of the winter solstice comes every December, but so does our Solstice party with food, great music, and warm friends.
This month will be a little different from most assemblies; we won't have either a speaker or a workshop. Instead, we focus on three things: a potluck of food, a buffet of songs from our band, and a smorgasbord of readings, jokes, science facts, and cheer from our Assemblers.
Your contribution to that smorgasbord, however small, is what makes this Assembly special. It doesn't have to be on topic, but it's a good place to look for inspiration.
Know something sciencey about the season? Have a favorite wintery poem? Did a snippet of an advice column or book help you see the holidays or family differently? Have some cute pictures of animals? Bring it! (But please tell us first! Use the Discord invite or email Sam at [email protected]).
After the assembly, we start the potluck! Bring something simple, fancy, store-bought, anything! As with the Assembly itself, this is a time for us to share in making the warmth.
The venue has a kitchen, complete with fridge, ovens, plates, bowls, and silverware.
Thanks to everyone who has been part of this amazing community over the past year, and welcome to any new faces we see in December! Lets come together to give cheer to the shortest days of the year.
Parking at Pacifica:
We recommend parking along Hanna St. There is handicapped parking in the small parking lot off the roundabout, with more around the back of the venue.
COVID precautions:
Masks are optional but encouraged. We'll be running an air purifier. There should be space to spread out, if you’d like.
Sunday Assembly is a secular community that celebrates life. We don't do supernatural, but we won't tell you you're wrong if you do. Our motto is "live better, help often, wonder more." We work to create a space that is radically inclusive.
We meet on the second Sunday of every month. We keep in touch between assemblies through our mailing list (, which sends ~2 emails a month. You can email directly with questions or feedback at [email protected], or join our Discord server.
We are part of a global movement of Sunday Assemblies.
Solstice Assembly and Potluck!