Hello business people of Surbiton!
If you run or work for a business in Surbiton or Tolworth or nearby, come and tell us about it, and meet other business folk just like you. Great for solo workers, business owners, startups, local retailers.
- Where: The Duke pub at 64 Victoria Road, Surbiton, KT6 4NQ.
- When: the second Friday of every month from 12pm.
- How much: completely free of charge!
- Do you need to be a member? No.
So settle in with us and enjoy a coffee and perhaps a pastry (treat yourself!)
If you know a friendly local business acquaintance bring them along too.
If you have any business cards or bumf to hand out, please bring it along.
We usually ask people to take 1 minute to introduce themselves to the rest of the group, but you don't have to if you prefer not to.
If you fancy giving us a 5-minute update on news from your industry, you are very welcome to do so. Just speak to one of the organisers.
Check out our Instagram channel https://www.instagram.com/surbitonbusiness. We plan to use the Instagram channel, and others, to help our members promote their business and to link up more Surbiton businesses with local clients, so if you want your business promoted on there come and have a chat with Gordon about it.
Come along and let us know how we can help you, while meeting other local businesses.
See you there,
David, Gordon and Andy