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organizing re-launch of Survivors Reunite

Photo of Shannon Valdez
Hosted By
Shannon V.


I need new volunteers. Let me explain please...

It's been 5 yrs since Survivors Reunite has been active daily providing resources, laws and much more to victims and survivors with in all 50 states.

I'm the owner of this meet up, and had to step down from Survivors Reunite. To focus on my own health, PTSD, and my family. We were survivors of a 7 1/2 yr abusive marriage. Shortly after getting out of the DV situation. I became a volunteer victims advocate for a 1 1/2 years at the Marion County district attorney office, than started survivors reunite which went really well. We're all in a better place now. I'm now married to a very supportive man, I have now 5 amazing kids and mentally ready to go back to what I feel like I'm called for. That is to help others with DV. I'm very knowledgeable and the creater of the website, organization of survivors reunite online. Right now I'm in the middle of a fund raiser to get my story/book published on DV awareness, criminal justice and the laws. I'm seeking for new volunteers who are in a safe and healthier mind set to help re-launch the website and organization. Please send me messages letting me know you're interested and we can Create a meet up to discuss further information.

I will post a later post of more details for all when that information becomes available. HERE IS THE FUNDLY LINK: fot the book publishing fund raiser below.
Thanks for reading sincerely l, Shannon Valdez

Photo of Survivors Reunite, helping domestic violence victims heal. group
Survivors Reunite, helping domestic violence victims heal.
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