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Survive + Thrive: Zoom Meet & Greet Social

Photo of Tiffany Berry
Hosted By
Tiffany B.
Survive + Thrive: Zoom Meet & Greet Social


New Energy + Connection ❤️

Welcome to our 1st Meet & Greet! I'd love to do a PotLuck for the Chicagoans (I'm in Aurora) soon but for our first get together - we'll make it easy & ZOOM.

Come to our Zoom Meet Up with a 5min share (TRUST ME... it'll get the vibe kicked off) - here are some ideas for parts of your share:

1. How long were you in a Narc relationship?
2. When was the moment you realized Narcissism was a real thing to take seriously?
3. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
4. What helps your mind refocus on gratitude and the good side of the coin?
5. Tell us something funny or interesting that happened to you in the last month?
6. What do you do for a living?
7. Tell us 3 things you're proud of yourself for lately?

**Note.. While we are all dealing with heaviness & coming back from some darkness, it's important the group we create & collect around have some positivity to carry us through as well. We can help carry each other through some tough times a little bit easier... by being personally responsible for our feelings and doing the individual heavy lifting of self-transformation - with each others' support. Learning to cope with the world on the world's terms and finding ways to be healthy minded nonetheless - IS A MIGHTY TASK. Let's try.

Cheers to finding healthy & whole ways of getting the attention and affection we need! 🥂

Friday, Sep. 20th Zoom Link - 7pm CST:

Photo of Survivors and Thrivors Meetup A Spot For Fun and Growth group
Survivors and Thrivors Meetup A Spot For Fun and Growth
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