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Protecting Yourself Without Becoming Closed Off To The World

Photo of Tiffany Berry
Hosted By
Tiffany B.


Open Format Discussion

TOPIC: Maintaining a smart, protected, and open heart. This is not meant to be an academic discussion with one person who "Teaches" or leads. It is meant for people to come together around the questions & topic and share their personal experience. It is meant for them to put words to their experience. And meant to help us articulate our inner feelings & thoughts in a supportive environment.

Meeting Questions & Dialogue
**all of these could be meeting topics on their own... we may move through these questions over time and not in this one meeting**
1. Is it important NOT to identify as "a victim?"
2. Does NOT identifying as a victim help or hinder recovery?
3. Have you noticed any "stages" of healing?
4. What stage of healing are you at currently?
5. How to TRUST the harder parts of when a mind is healing, so that we don't seek the common & COMFORTABLE thing - which lands us back in a cycle? ("I'll always feel like this," "It's hopeless," "I may be alone forever." "I am not meant for a healthy relationship bc I am not healthy." etc., etc., etc..)


Photo of Survivors and Thrivors Meetup A Spot For Fun and Growth group
Survivors and Thrivors Meetup A Spot For Fun and Growth
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