Judo was created in 1882 by Jigoro Kano as a physical, mental and moral Pedagogy in Japan. As a modern martial art evolved into a combat and Olympic sport. Our Judo Program has a great atmosphere for both Adults and Children. Classes are taught by our experienced and dedicated coach Iskra.
Here are some reasons why you should choose the Judo class for you and your kids:
– Maintain Balance
– Good source of exercise
– Great way to teach discipline
– Builds self confidence
– Builds physical strength
– Teaches self-defense using a variety of throws, arm locks, and chokes
Students usually start each session with warm up, followed by body stretching including the head, wrists, torso and feet. Exercises in Judo include Nage Waza (throwing techniques) and Na Waza (ground Techniques). Kicking and punching is not allowed in Judo. Judo will help students focus on learning other ways to defend themselves. Judo is a grappling art, an all contact sport which bases itself on shifting an opponent’s momentum against himself. In a fight, the aim is not to hurt the opponent but to simply disarm them by throwing them off their balance, pinning them, and submitting them through a series of locks and chokes.
Judo Mondays and Wednesdays from 7-8pm. Try free for a week. No commitments
Brazilian jiu-jitsu training programs around, and find out firsthand how BJJ promotes physical fitness, builds character, and is ultimately a way of life. 7:00 PM TO 8:00 PM Tuesdays, Thursday, and Fridays and 6:00AM to 7:00AM on Mondays Wednesdays Friday
Kids programs
Brazilian jiu-jitsu for kids Tuesdays and Thursdays 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM
judo for kids Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM