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What we’re about

Hey! I'm Kiran

I’m currently in the midst of job prep with DSA + System Design for a SWE position & looking for people to join an in-person study group (no more than 4 people) in San Francisco!

I personally love learning in groups and believe that you truly understand a topic when you can teach it someone else.
So the structure would look something like:

  • A person teaches a topic to the group (ex: Backtracking)
  • They whiteboard an easy & a medium Leetcode level problem, explaining the rough approach.
  • Each of the group members try on their own and person helps those who are stuck.
  • Next topic gets assigned to another person. (We rotate).

Ofc there’ll be plenty of time to chat & riff on the problem and we can all prepare for the topic in advance. The point is that we have a group of people who we can instantly get support & feedback from and confront our weaknesses here instead of, well, in the interview!

Times: Likely evenings during weekdays and weekends to match people’s schedules. I’m open to mornings & afternoons on weekdays and it depends on people’s schedules.

Location: Already have a spot in mind in San Francisco, CA.

If you want to join, let me know!

Upcoming events (4+)

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