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What we’re about

We meet up to discuss issues, politics, principles -- how to fix our broken beleaguered nation and planet! And to make friends, and help build a movement for change! The Progressive Caucus of Democrats Abroad invites American expats, visitors, and fellow-traveling friends of all nations, to join us for monthly after-work "happy hour" gatherings and other events.

We're committed to: a thriving democratic society dedicated to fairness and compassion that meets the needs of all of its people and provides smart constructive moral global leadership.

We call for:

> reform of American democracy (anti-gerrymandering laws, abolition of the Electoral College, universal voter registration, DC statehood, etc.)
> high quality universal single-payer healthcare for all Americans
> tuition-free higher education; the 15-dollar US minimum wage
> paid family leave
> the Green New Deal - NOW, not later. There's a global HEATING emergency - the clock is ticking!
> racial justice, including restoration of the Voting Rights Act and abolition of the death penalty
> a fair immigration policy that welcomes people who seek asylum to escape persecution and poverty
> a foreign policy that promotes human rights, democracy, social equality, and international cooperation, AND which fights for transparency and against corruption