Swift Meetup Munich #35 - Secret Edition
Dear Swifteristas,
It's meetup time again! And this time we are hosted in a secret location 😉!
🚨The meetup location is already revealed in the Slack channel 🚨. So make sure you join it -> https://join.slack.com/t/swiftmeetupmunich/shared_invite/zt-2ssc49ezk-VA0Y2Z1SZXFquzmlgrPJdg
18:30 - Event will start with 🍻
Prepare yourself with some drinks and engaging discussions. Get enthusiastic about the first talk!
19:00 - ① Session
let title = "Peek Behind the Curtain: SwiftUI Layout System"
let abstract = "SwiftUI has reached the same age as Swift was when SwiftUI was introduced. As its adoption grows, we as developers are building more apps using SwiftUI. While this new approach to creating user interfaces is more intuitive than Auto Layout and Frame Based Layout, it is not entirely straightforward. In this session will dig deeper into the layout system of SwiftUI."
let author = (“Joan Disho”, “iOS & Swift Enthusiast”, “Netlight GmbH”)
19:30 - ② Session
let title = "Secure Your API Keys: Harnessing Swift on Server"
let abstract = "Discover why storing API keys directly in your app poses a risk, and how leveraging Swift on Server can offer a more secure solution. Explore the benefits of using your own backend to safeguard sensitive data and avoid unexpected costs. Gain insights into potential pitfalls, such as Linux compatibility and development environments, to ensure a seamless server-side setup."
let author = ("Michael Freiwald", "Swift Server Explorer", "Netlight GmbH")
20:00 - ③ Session
let title = "Understanding Distributed Actors in Swift"
let abstract = "Distributed systems can be complex to build and maintain, but Swift's new distributed actors simplify the process. Let's explore how they enable developers to create scalable, efficient, and resilient systems with minimal effort."
let author = ("Jaleel Akbashev", "Master of Effortless Scalability")
💛 Call to action 💛
If you have a topic about which you are enthusiastic and passionate about, just drop us a note. We are always looking for new speakers.
And to all newbie speakers: Just give it a try, accept the challenge - we don't bite and you'll be super proud of yourself afterwards - promised 🤩!
Swift Meetup Munich #35 - Secret Edition