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What we’re about


  1. Are you enthusiastic about Computer-Aided Design (CAD), Product Development, Product Design, SOLIDWORKS, and 3DEXPERIENCE platforms?
  2. Do you have a passion for discussing product design, development, and unlocking the full potential of SOLIDWORKS tools to expedite the design process?

If your answer is a resounding "YES," you're cordially invited to discover the Islamabad SOLIDWORKS User Group (ISUG) - a thriving community tailored for SOLIDWORKS users and visionary design engineers.
At ISUG, we subscribe to the philosophy of "Practical Learning."

What is ISUG?

  • ISUG is more than just a community; it's a dynamic arena where you can participate in enlightening sessions, connect with fellow SOLIDWORKS enthusiasts like yourself, and generously share your insights.
  • It's your platform to express your zeal for product design, CAD engineering, and stay abreast of the latest industry advancements.
  • Notably, ISUG proudly aligns with the SOLIDWORKS User Group Network (SWUGN), a global collective spanning over 25 countries, encompassing 340+ groups and a multitude of users.

Our mission at ISUG is two-fold: to facilitate knowledge exchange on all things SOLIDWORKS and to cultivate a vibrant network within the design and engineering realm.

What we have done so far?

  • A robust community of 600+ SOLIDWORKS Users on Meetup.
  • Hosted 20+ sessions so far.
  • Engaged 1500+ participants (record 230+ attendees in a single physical meetup)
  • Awarded nine $25 vouchers to winners of post-session quizzes.
  • Empower talented individuals to showcase their design prowess and share knowledge.

A dedicated platform for featuring your design projects on our social media handles. Contact us at [email protected]

An open invitation for you to become a speaker on our esteemed platform. Simply fill out the form here:

On our Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn pages, we consistently disseminate invaluable information about software updates, upcoming meetups, insightful podcasts, engaging sessions, and pose thought-provoking questions related to SOLIDWORKS and 3DEXPERIENCE platforms.

But that's not all.
Furthermore, ISWUG is dedicated to aligning its endeavours with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted in 2015. These SDGs are a universal call to action to eradicate poverty, safeguard the environment, and ensure global peace and prosperity by 2030.

Here's how ISWUG contributes to these goals:

  • SDG 4: Quality Education - Through our array of online and in-person sessions, we foster a culture of continuous learning and skill development.
  • SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure - We actively support businesses in enhancing their products and processes through captivating Design Challenges.
  • SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities - We organize competitions aimed at constructing more sustainable infrastructure, including green buildings, renewable energy systems, and improved public transportation.
  • SDG 13: Climate Action - ISUG is committed to assisting organizations in crafting more efficient and eco-friendly products by advocating for recycled materials and reduced energy consumption.

Together, we possess the power to forge a brighter and more prosperous world. Let us unite our efforts and march forward, hand in hand, towards a noble cause.
Join ISUG today, and be a part of this exciting journey towards innovation, education, and positive global impact. Together, we'll shape the future!

Join us:
Linkedin: Islamabad SWUG Linkedin
Instagram: @isb_solidworks_user_group
Facebook: Islamabad SOLIDWORKS User Group
Meetup: Islamabad SWUG Meetup Group

See you at the next meetup!