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What we’re about

A Meetup for people to get together to play board games.
Can you please take a moment to read our Code of Conduct here.
We keep these events as 18+ as we run out of a bar.
We are a fun, easygoing group of adults who get together to play any tabletop game that looks interesting. This includes; Strategy, Euro style, Card Games, Board Games, Co-op games, etc. We are really happy for new players as we enjoy building fun community for all different people. If you have never played before, there will more then likely be an experienced player around willing to teach you.
commonly played games (There are lots more but these are some of the favourites):
Secret Hitler, Powergrid, Sheriff of Nottingham, 7 Wonders, Dixit, Colt Express, and Tokaido.
Our games Library is here.

If you want to lend or give a game to us that will be much appreciated but please tell one of the mods and let us know of anything missing/broken.

If you have or know someone who has extra bits for any of the games that are missing pieces or someone who is willing to give or sell us their partial games please get in contact with one of the mods.
You can also join our Facebook page here to keep up to date with any new and exciting information or possible sudden events.
If anyone has any complaints or suggestions you can fill in a form here.

Upcoming events (4+)

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