Regular Monday Night Games #444
Join for a night of board games, RPG, tabletop and social deduction fun. There's room for everything as we have 30 tables upstairs at The Wharf in Castlefield, Manchester.
Whether you are new to board games or a seasoned veteran there will be games you can join in. Rules will be explained as needed and the atmosphere is friendly. If you want to bring your own games please do so, otherwise you can find space in a game someone else is running.
Pop upstairs anytime from around 5pm and you'll find a friendly mix of people - just introduce yourself at a table that interests you. You don't need to arrive at the start to join in - you can turn up anytime and jump into the next available game.
There is free parking (though not unlimited space obviously, so snooze you lose - there is on-street offering as well which is free after 8pm) and the Deansgate-Castlefield tram stop is a mere 5 minutes walk away.
Please do not come if you have COVID symptoms. If we are all sensible and use some common sense, we can make sure our events are safe for everyone to attend.
Regular Monday Night Games #444