SALT LICK DOG HIKE. Our steepest inclines, but the view is worth it.

An excursion on dirt trails. This trail has the steepest inclines of any of our hikes, but the view from the top is phenomenal. We will hike the Salt Lick Trail to the top of the bluff, across the ridgetop and then back down.
Next, we will hike the Johnson Trail creek/valley trail to Valmeyer and back. It's a valley, but it's not all that level either. Waterproof boots required here, there will be creek crossings in several spots.
Bring snack, we'll stop at the little waterfall on the trail, about the halfway point. There's a great little bar/grill in Vallmeyer with cheap, good food. Of course, we will have to go there after! Dogs have to stay in the car.
Rated DIFFICULT with a couple of really wicked inclines. One even has a rope to hang onto, it's that steep. The ridgetop is very narrow with 200' drops on either side, so you dog will have to be on leash there.
ONE DOG PER PERSON strongly suggested. Dogs must be on leash on ridgetop. Big drop offs on either side. If your dog stays right with you, it can be offleash after we start back downhill. Dogs must stay within 20' of you on the trail, and you must be able to leash them up within 5 seconds if we pass other people. Dogs cannot run wild in the woods.
BRING POLES IF YOU HAVE THEM (if you don't have them, buy some)
Porta potty at trailhead.
NO BEGINNERS, NO FIRST-TIMERS. You must have done at least one 5 mile hike with group before, and you (and your dog) need to be in good shape for this one. Your name will be removed from attendees if you're a first timer with the group.
BRING WATER FOR YOUR DOG, none on the top of the hill. Should be water in the creek, but no guarantees.
About 6 miles total. Allow 3.5-4 hours .
PACE OF HIKE is moderate/relaxed, with stops whenever necessary to enjoy the scenery, water dogs or just catch our breath. If you're a fast hiker, plan on slowing down. This is not a power hike....we don't do that.
Use mapping feature or your GPS. The best way is over the JB Bridge.
THIS IS THE WAY WE ALL GO. There are a couple of trailheads, but below is the one we use. Meeup mapping is good.
Take JB BRIDGE over the river. One of the first exits is Columbia, Route 3. You will see a turnoff, less than 1/2 mile, slightly right, for BLUFF ROAD right after you take that exit. Kinda straight ahead. Good signage. Take Bluff Road about 10-12 miles to Limestone Road. Turn left onto Limestone and gravel parking lot is right there.
It's on low ground. If you start back up the hill, you've missed the parking lot.

SALT LICK DOG HIKE. Our steepest inclines, but the view is worth it.