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Playing Badminton & Ping Pong at SMC

Photo of Frank W
Hosted By
Frank W.
Playing Badminton & Ping Pong at SMC


For those interested in playing Badminton and Ping Pong. we'll meet at SMC Pavilion gym on 12 PM

Santa Monica College opens its Pavilion Gym to the general public for badminton and table tennis on Sunday afternoons. $6 entrance fee ($4 with student ID, free for SMC students). Bring your own rackets/shuttlecocks/paddles/balls.

Free Parking is around intersection of Pearl & 17th street. Pass through Math classroom and will see 1st Entry of Gym

After Badminton we might have a Drink/Meal together. those interested in joining please let us know.

對打羽毛球和乒乓球感興趣的人。我們將於中午 12 點在 SMC Pavilion 健身房見面

聖莫尼卡學院在周日下午向公眾開放其 Pavilion 健身房,他們提供打羽毛球和乒乓球。入場費 6 美元(憑學生證 4 美元,SMC 學生免費)。帶上自己的羽球拍/羽球/桌球拍/桌球。

週日街上可免費停車。健身房離 17 街和珍珠街很近,所以把車停在那裡。經過數學教室,會看到體育館的第一個入口


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