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Rockport Wabi Sabi Photo Workshop: Seeing Rockport like an Artist

Photo of suzanne
Hosted By
suzanne .
Rockport Wabi Sabi Photo Workshop: Seeing Rockport like an Artist


“To me, photography is an art of observation. It's about finding something interesting in an ordinary place ... I've found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.” Elliott Erwitt

Rockport Massachusetts is one of our signature programs. Each year we return and see things we never saw before. You are invited to join a small (8-person) group. This is always so much fun! I hope you will join us. Take a look at all the sample photos in the album to get an idea possible subjects for your photos.

Whether you’ve been there once, twice, or many times before, discovering how to see like an artist will open your eyes to fresh perceptions and the unexpected beauty of Rockport. WE will go off the beaten path to new fascinating areas undiscovered by tourists. Discover how to create images that are personally meaningful to you.

You will receive one on one personal instruction as well as small group creative challenges. During this workshop we will focus on FOUR different artistic styles so you can discover your natural way of seeing.
1. Realism: Crisp clean lines, correct exposure and emphasis on capturing what you see.
2. Minimalism: Including only what is essential in your composition. Creating a visual poem. Express the essence.
3. Abstract Impressionism: We don't know what it is but we love it. pure color, light, line. Evokes a feeling.
4. Wabi Sabi: The Japanese aesthetic that captures the beauty of the ephemeral imperfect qualities of life.

All levels are welcome. This is a no-technical-jargon zone, so if you're a total beginner I promise you’ll feel at ease in the relaxed, informal setting. I’ll be providing individual coaching and suggestions to help you capture scenes in a way that’s creative and exciting.

You’ll be able to see the difference between a strong or weak image of the same subject on the spot. There will be three structured "assignments," designed to challenge your creativity and encourage your unique style.

I find that most people long to have their images match their memories, often with disappointing results because they’re trying to translate their experience into a two-dimensional visual form. You need to know how to use the visual language of color, texture, and light to speak to all of the senses. WE will focus on specific techniques for doing just that.

Do you have questions about going off of automatic? Not sure how to frame the subject? Want to go off auto? Curious about how to compose the shot? Those are among the topics I’ll be covering. iPhones Welcome. I will do a special tutorial on how to use your iPhone features for travel photography.

Logistics: Some of us will take the 8:30 a.m. train from Boston’s North Station, arriving in Rockport at 9:45. We’ll walk into town, about a 20-minute walk from the station. Another option is for you to drive and meet us there. We’ll have a picnic lunch on the rocks overlooking the town. You can bring your own or pick up something in town. I know the secret path to get us to a spectacular view. Or we may get lobster rolls like last time. Yummmm

Tuition includes materials, private coaching time, short group lectures with sample photos, and a mini-critique of some of the photos that you take. The workshop is on Saturday. Please also hold Sunday as plan B if we need to switch due to weather. If you can't make the rain date Ill issue a refund for you. Public restrooms and free parking available.

Please RSVP today to reserve your space. I am excited to be offering this in depth photo experience and hope you will join us again or for the first time. Suzanne

About your instructor: Suzanne Merritt is a master-level instructor with a studio at the Boston Center for the Arts. She has led workshops on beauty, photography, and creativity in Asia, Europe, and the United States for the past 20 years. She was the founder of the Polaroid Creativity Lab and in 2016 opened The Curious Soul Photo School. She brings her background in aesthetics, design, and mindfulness to every program she teaches.

Photo of Take Better Pictures - Non-Technical Photography Workshops group
Take Better Pictures - Non-Technical Photography Workshops
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8 spots left