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Transcendental Meditation & Energy Healing

Photo of Jacqui Mead
Hosted By
Jacqui M.
Transcendental Meditation & Energy Healing


Please join me for this beautiful monthly (3rd Sunday of each month) connection with spirit.

In these sessions, I will show you how to:

  • transcendentally meditate and reach a deep state of meditation where we will connect with the higher realms.
  • to bring through energy with love for the highest good and we will perform energy healing on each other.

What are the benefits of Meditation?
There are many benefits of meditation which include:
stabilises stress, enhances empathy, improves cognition, promotes emotional health and wellbeing, increases attention by inducing a state of flow, balances your chakras and opens your spiritual gifts and connects you to your spirit and angelic guides.

What is Transcendental Meditation?
Transcendental Meditation (TM) is the simplest, most natural and effortless technique of meditation. It is also the most advanced and fundamentally different approach because the simplicity is based on a profound and complete understanding of not just the mind and its behaviour but also the body, and how the two interact during deep meditation, something not understood in virtually any other approach.
It is recommended a maximum of 20 minutes, twice a day, sitting in a comfortable chair is all that is required.

What is Energy Healing and what are the benefits?
Energy healing creates deep relaxation and aids the body to release stress and tension, it accelerates the body’s self-healing abilities, aids better sleep, reduces blood pressure, raises the vibrational frequency of the body, removes energy blockages, adjusts the energy flow of the endocrine system bringing the body into balance and harmony as well as many other benefits - energy healing benfits - Search (

What to wear: Something comfy
What to bring: Cushion (I have plenty) water bottle, notebook and pen
Cost: $20/donation

To book:
Please email or text me to book a place - jacquimead@hotmail/0449 505614 (Limited spaces)

Location: Umina Beach - address will be provided on booking.

My Spiritual Journey and Purpose
I went through my big spiritual awakening more than 4 years ago but have always been aligned to the Christ Consciousness which is true to my heart. I have been through many life experiences that have helped me to come to a place of healing and forgiveness and realization that these experiences were in fact preparing me for my soul mission as a lightworker to bring light and love to humanity.

Over the past 5 years, I have been expanding my consciousness by learning many spiritual practices including Tarot, Reiki, Spiritual Energy Healing and Light Language Healing.

I am passionate about helping people through their spiritual journey through guidance and healing to bring them into alignment (home/truth) of their true nature/calling.

Much love

Photo of Tarot Psychics Mystics Healers and Energy Seekers group
Tarot Psychics Mystics Healers and Energy Seekers
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Every 1st Sunday of the month

Umina Beach
· Umina Beach, NS
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8 spots left