What we’re about
The Twin Cities Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Horror Meetup group (TC-SFFH) is for anyone who is interested in sharing their love of
science fiction, fantasy or horror (or any mixture thereof) by watching classic or current movie or TV/DVD series, discussing books, or finding other ways of expressing their nerdiness. <br>
Promotions offered to our Meetup group:
• Free advance screenings to see big-budget movies before they are released to the public.
• On the other end of the scale, one of our organizers is an investor in Hollywood indie films, and occasionally hands out free tickets to those comedy/action or horror movies as they are released.
So let’s get together and:
• watch the latest sci-fi, Marvel/DC extravaganza or scary movie from comfy theater recliners and <br>
• discuss it afterwards during a meal at a nearby diner or pizza place
• watch weekly double-installments of the Stargate SG-1 series, The Tick, The Expanse, X-Files, The Invaders, Harry Potter, or Buffy.
• attend local sci-fi events or conventions <br>
• compare the Tolkien books to their movie counterparts
• watch what needs to be watched. <br>
Superheroes, anti-heroes and slithering (or is that Slytherin?) aliens rule!
P.S. If you are interested in discussing horror novels, novellas, and short stories, see https://4142298.xyz/Twin-Cities-Horror-S... <br>