join google group for discussion / questions :!forum/leetcode-meetup
In Person Discussion:
Northside Branch Library
695 Moreland Way
Santa Clara, CA 95054
The Zoom meeting starts at 11:30. Please join the Google group, where the weekly problem set and Zoom meeting is posted.
Also system design videos are posted there
Format for the meetup :
- List 3-4 problems at the start of the meeting (~2 easy, ~2 medium, ~1 hard)
- ~120 minutes to solve as many problems as you can.
- Code in any language (python, C, C++, java, swift, js).
- Solve it on leetcode. If the answer passes all leetcode testcases, copy the code and reply to the group in the same thread where the question is posted. Change the font to some generally used coding font. eg. fixed width, courier new etc.
- For the duration of the coronavirus outbreak, we are holding this event remotely.
- Discuss optimization, corner cases, complexities etc.
Please bring a laptop, pen and paper/notebook for figuring out the solution and coding it.
Only way to achieve proficiency, is practice, practice and practice.
IMPORTANT: Join Mailing list at :!forum/leetcode-meetup
Important points for Santa Clara meetup.
- The Northside Branch Library is open again, but we continue to hold the Zoom meeting for people attending remotely. The format is currently still the same as the pandemic format of discussing questions a week after posting, but we may shift back to the old format of working on questions live if enough people come back to the library.
Please work on the questions at home and post your solutions to the thread.