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The Haunting of Ypsilon 14 - Mothership RPG

Photo of Jesse Aponte
Hosted By
Jesse A.
The Haunting of Ypsilon 14 - Mothership RPG


"There's something about shadows because you make up your own mind about what's lurking in them." - Richard O'Brian

Ypsilon 14 is an asteroid mining base in the Ypsilon system that needs the occasional resupply to continue its resource gathering. Unfortunately you happened to be the sad sacks who drew the short straw this time. The Company has ordered you to resupply the base and get your manifest stamped by the head engineer and quartermaster of the base. Routine enough, but one problem.... He's missing. So now you need to help find him or risk leaving without approval and that will certainly get you shares revoked, if you're even able to keep your job.

The Haunting of Ypsilon 14 was written by D G Chapman and is a pamphlet scenario for the Mothership RPG. Mothership is a sci-fi horror roleplaying game where you and your crew try to survive in the most inhospitable environment in the universe: outer space! You'll excavate dangerous derelict spacecraft, explore strange unknown worlds, exterminate hostile alien life, and examine the horrors that encroach upon your every move.

Please come online early or on time, as we will have a limited time to play. We should be done by 11pm. Mothership RPG uses a 2 d10 percent based system along with a d20 panic die and few other dice used for RPGs (d10, d8, d6, and d4). This game will be held online on the groups Discord Server via Voice Chat. We have a bot in the Server that can handle Dice rolls but Live rolling is allowed.

Invite Link is here:

If interested in looking over the Rules, feel free to download the Player's Survival Guide here:

A heads up as to how I run games. I go for full horror. What that means, is slow moments of tension followed by moments of high terror. A roller coaster, if you will. Humor has its place at the table as long as it is within the game narrative. Please keep outside humor to a minimum as it distracts from the game. I also tend to focus on ROLEplay over ROLLplay. I have run games where dice rolls have been in the single digits. I am also flexible with the rules, which the main hard rule being If you roll equal or lower then your skill, you succeed and if higher, you fail. Everything else is up to me. No Rules Lawyers Please. Also Progression is not prominent in my games and this is because characters tend not to last too long. If your character survives 3 to 4 adventures, they will be a bit improved but your attachment to the character will be more based on the experiences he/she went through. Its about your STORY not your STATS. If none of this seems to be a match for your mentality, I would suggest trying another game, but if you are willing to give this play style a chance, feel free to attend.

Any questions or concerns? Feel Free to ask in the comments.

(The date is currently tentative, I'll notify if it changes)

Photo of Terrifying Tabletop NYC: A Horror Roleplaying Meetup group
Terrifying Tabletop NYC: A Horror Roleplaying Meetup
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