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Presenting on Wed 11/20 at 7 pm - The Art of Art Jacoby

Network event
14 attendees from 3 groups hosting
Presenting on Wed 11/20 at 7 pm - The Art of Art Jacoby


Join Arthur Jacoby on a unique photographic adventure that explores how he has developed and actualized his evolving photographic vision. Art is an artist/photographer. He uses the camera and the digital darkroom the way a painter uses paints, brushes and a canvas or a sculptor uses hammers, chisels, stone, metal and clay to tell and share stories and vision.

Many people mistakenly believe that a camera accurately captures reality. They and most photographers try to do this by using the camera to freeze a moment in time. However, because the world never stands still and the camera doesn't see and experience what humans do, this is impossible. Reality is a transient experience. The camera cannot fully capture what the eye sees and the brain perceives.
In Art’s words, “A camera does not experience or feel anything. It cannot capture my vision and experiences. When I press the shutter button of my camera, I am responding to something I see and feel. It’s instinctual.”

Photo of The Art Of Photography - Sarasota / Venice group
The Art Of Photography - Sarasota / Venice
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