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What we’re about

A place to organize events, outings, organized play, and other activities for members Voxy Attic any others in the MTG community.

Our in-person meetups follow the same set of rules we follow online:
#1 - Don't insult or speak down to or about others. Banter is our second language but insults are something completely different and we don't allow that here.
#2 - No overly edgy jokes, use your common sense.
#3 - Discussion of pornographic or violent content is not allowed.
#4 - No racist or homophobic insults. This applies to names, too.
#5 - No proselytizing - practice your religion as you like, but please do not use our events as a venue to convert others.
#6 - Criticism should be constructive and specific.
#7 - Please do not use our events for self-promotion with prior approval.
#8 - Keep politics civil and to a minimum. Even when we agree, these topics can be a downer. We enjoy MTG and each others' company for fun!