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Writing Critique Session

Photo of William Singourd
Hosted By
William S.



Please bring a 3-page (or so) writing sample, be it a Work-In-Progress (WIP), or a polished work needing only a Query Letter or even the dreaded... Synopsis(!).

Bring any genre (or subgenre or any mix) EXCEPT THESE genres under the Non-Fiction category, e.g.: Biography proper, Cookbooks, History, How-To, Self-Help, et al. Exceptions to this exception: A novel-length Memoir, a Personal Essay, or an anthology of Essays on a focused topic.

Please bring enough copies to pass around for the possible maximum of 5 show-ups, including yourself, thank you.

Please email me with any questions: [email protected]

Photo of The BlockHeads group
The BlockHeads
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89 US-206 · Augusta, NJ
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