What we’re about
The Copenhagen Classic Book Book Club is for anyone interested in reading books.
The purpose of this book club is to read classic books that are accessible to everyone, and become wiser through sharing the reading in a social and friendly setting.
The great benefit of classic books is that most of them are in the public domain and for that reason they are readily available, for free, in all formats.
Below are some great ressources that are helpful for you before reading one of the books for our meetups:
- LibriVox: LibriVox is an open source network of volunteers who record audiobooks. You will be able to find and download most of the books we read as audio books for free on this site. I highly recommend it. The quality of the audio, however, is not as great as with professionally made audio books.
- Project Gutenberg: Project Gutenberg is just one of many websites offering free ebooks. You will be able to find most of the books we read as ebooks on this or similar sites. To read an ebook you will need, preferably, some kind of tablet or e-reader like an Amazon Kindle or similar.
- YouTube: YouTube is also a great resource for finding and listening to audio books. Most of the books we read will also be available as audio books on YouTube.
- Local Libraries: If you are registered as a user at your local library in Denmark, you will have access to borrow ebooks and audio books for free. If you are not proficient in Danish, you can access ebooks and audio books in English by downloading the app Libby to your smart phone and tablet. By connecting the app to your local library, you will then be able to borrow e-books and audio books in English through Libby.
Founding Principles
Here are some founding principles that members at the first book club event on Sunday August 18th 2019 have agreed on [changed, revised and updated since then]:
• 1. We are a social group and sharing personal experiences related to the topics that we discuss makes a lot of sense and will bring us closer together as a group. Respect and understanding for someone who chooses to speak at our book club events about a personal experience related to the reading is therefore welcomed, and it should be respected and greeted by all who are present. Please abide to those terms.
•1b. A classic book is a book that has obtained that status within the general realm of our civilisation. Usually, a classic book will have been around for some years and can be in any genre or field, but it can also be a contemporary book that has been recognised as a contemporary classic.
• 2. The Copenhagen Classic Book Book Club meets up when it meets up. We decide from time to time when the next meetup will be. In late fall and winter, we have meetings at Trows Bar at Vesterbrogade 125. During spring and late summer wet meet up at The Garden of the Royal Library. If I am sick or unable to attend a meetup, I will still put up an event, make suggestions for what to read and reserve a table for you guys. If we’re reading a particularly extensive book of, then we might do a mid-reading meetup, as completing a long book can be a daunting task.
• 3. There is no limit to how many people can attend each meetup, but please do click “attend” on the event. This gives me an idea of how to form the conversation and the group as a whole. If you have decided to attend an event, but in the end decide you can't go, then please remove yourself the attendees list in advance.
• 3b. Please also strive towards doing the reading, or listening, in its entirety if you plan to show up. However, you are more than welcome to join even if you have not done any of the reading. Just be aware that most attendees have done the reading will be focused on discussing the contents of the book, so be mindful of not directing the conversation in another away from the book, if you have not done reading.
4. We usually agree on new books, when members put them forward at the end of the meetup. So please do bring your suggestions for books to read to the meetup. If there's more than one book to pick from, then we decide so by popular vote. The way in which you decide to consume the classic work is up to you. You can read it, listen to it, or even watch it as a movie if available. There is no "right" way to do it.
• 4b. Therefore, when you make suggestions for new books to read, please ensure that the book is readily accessible for all to read in more than one format, as we do prefer books that are readily available in the form of e-books and audio books as well as at any general book store or online store based in Copenhagen and Denmark. This is due to the fact that physical books ordered abroad can take a long time to arrive and therefore offers less time for members to complete the reading.
• 5. We also have a group on Goodreads, which you can join if you want: https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/1073366-the-copenhagen-classic-book-book-club
• 6. If you want to browse the books we have read previously you can do in our gallery: https://4142298.xyz/the-copenhagen-classic-book-book-club/photos/30090912/
Thanks for joining the book club and remember the words of Mark Twain:
“A classic is something that everybody wants to have read and nobody wants to read.”
Happy reading!
Best wishes,
Upcoming events (1)
See all- One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia MárquezGarden of the Royal Library, København
Hello everyone
Thank you to all who came out for the Meetup yesterday on Patricia Highsmith's Strangers on a Train. Everyone seemed to have enjoyed the reading and we had a good long talk about it with some interesting perspectives.
The next read, by popular vote, is Gabriel Garcia Márquez' classic 1967 novel One Hundred Years of Solitude. Heralded by many as a one of the most magnificent works of literature in the 20th century, it follows the seven generations of the Buendía family in the fictional town of Macondo in Colombia. Told in a magical realist style, which was prominent throughout Latin American in the 20th century, the story weaves through Colombian history as the family tale unfolds.
You can read more about the book here: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/320.One_Hundred_Years_of_Solitude
The novel was last year adopted into a well reviewed television series on Netflix. And there is, of course, an audiobook version available as well
For other ressources on how to get a hold of classic books, then please see the front page of the group here.
Please notice that we will be outside for the spring and summer months. So the next meetup venue will be at The Garden of the Royal Library. There is amble seating available. If it rains, which is not uncommon here, we will just go inside the library's cafe or find some other solution ahead of time.
We meet up on Saturday April 26th at 4 pm at The Garden of the Royal Library. Please remember to bring your suggestion for the next classic book to read.
And please, as always, be mindful and respectful of each other, so that everyone feels respected and appreciated.
In the meantime happy reading/listening/watching or however you do it.