What we’re about
This is a terrific group in which to meet other active and interesting adults over 60. Whether you are married or single, male or female, join in activities that will help keep you young in body and mind. You will be joining more than 1,000 other members with diverse interests and viewpoints.
Below are the Terms of Membership. Please read and follow the guidelines.
These guidelines are set out to make sure our Meetups are enjoyable and safe for every participant. It is important because not following the guidelines may affect your status as a group member.
*1. Anyone can be an Event Host. If you would like to host an event regularly or occasionally, please contact Susan, the Organizer, to be added to the list and you will be part of our team.
*2. Event hosts are not professional guides. They may lead hikes, walks, bike rides, or even a weekend getaway; however, you participate at your own risk. Event hosts are not responsible for accidents or injuries, although we will try our best to use good judgment to protect your safety. We will try to ensure that no one gets left behind or lost.
*3. This is not a dating site. Although relationships and romances do occur naturally, it is not the purpose of this Meetup to find you a date. Any inappropriate advances or language will result in your removal. We are a family of older people who enjoy doing things together and we do not discriminate because of race, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, disability, etc. However, we do discriminate against folks who do not treat others with respect.
*4. We strongly discourage political discussions.
*5. MOST IMPORTANT - We have a 24-hour cancellation policy on ALL events. If you cancel at the last minute, you are inconveniencing the venue, the event host, and you may prevent someone on the waitlist from being able to attend that particular event. Of course, we all get sick or have last-minute emergencies. If you cancel at the last minute, you will be marked as a NO SHOW that will remain for one year. After the second NO SHOW within the year, you will be removed from the group.
Thank you for reading these policies and please take them seriously as we must be considerate to one another.