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Game Night at Strange Craft Beer Co.

Photo of David
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Game Night at Strange Craft Beer Co.


Join our laid-back and fun board game group, every Thursday at Strange Craft Beer Company.

Official start time is 5:30 p.m., but several of us show up early at 3:30 to fit in an extra game beforehand, so feel free to come early, too.

No matter how many people are signed up here on meetup, there's always at least five or so of us that show up every week. Unless otherwise noted, the event is on.

We typically have several tables going with a variety of games ranging from easy/introductory to more strategic. Plus, great craft beer on tap and there's typically a food truck in the summer.

Feel free to bring your own games, or we'll have a variety to choose from. New to the hobby? Come and learn a new game -- we're happy to teach!

You can park in the front of the building, or if that's full, there's a gravel parking lot in the back of the building (enter off Zuni Street) with plenty of extra spaces and you can enter the brewery from its back patio.

We'll be set up in the back room of the brewery with several tables, if you don't see us, just ask the bartender where we are.

Photo of The Denver Boardgames Meetup Group group
The Denver Boardgames Meetup Group
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Every week on Thursday

Strange Craft Beer Company
1330 Zuni St Unit M · Denver, CO
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