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What we’re about

This informal group helps connect people in the Otago area.

Most of us are people who have left the Jehovah's Witness religion. When leaving, many people lose much of their community and sometimes family. They might have trouble readjusting and feel like they need to learn a whole new world - which is where we come in, creating a safe and supportive place with understanding. Whether you've recently mentally left the organisation, have been years out the door, or even if you were never JW, come join us and help us establish a sense of community in Dunedin.

This group has been set to private so no one will know you have joined unless they are also part of the group. Some of us aren’t disassociated or disfellowshipped, but instead have chosen to fade (become inactive) with the hope that we can maintain at least some contact with people who are still “in”. Whatever strategy people chose in distancing themselves from Watchtower influence, we are respectful.

We understand how difficult a transition leaving is, but we are here to support you in this new chapter of your life, should you want to start it. Partners/spouses are also welcome to attend.

This group is also open to those who have a family members or a spouse in the religion and are struggling or have concerns with this.

This group is not affiliated with any religion or outside group. It is specifically a group for and by people who have left the Watchtower and those who want to socialise with us.