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What we’re about

The Free Space is all about having meaningful conversations about news and current event, centered around podcasts in the politisphere.

You can expect events ranging from active outdoor events to restaurant outings. Some events will be held on a regular, predictable basis, others might be more unique.

Each month, we will have at least one dinner centered around a ~10 minutes clip from a popular podcaster on current events. Think Joe Rogan, Michael Malice, Triggernometry, Jordan Peterson, Sitch and Adam, The Glenn Show, Viva Frei, Blair White, The Dark Horse Podcast, The Young Turks, and many many more (you're invited to submit your favorite podcast)

Look at our event calendar and hopefully you will find something in there that resonates with you. If not, please let us know!

Group Rules:
- While our debates can get lively, we ask that you please keep your conversations respectful. We value creating a friendly environment that encourages open dialogue.
- Please update your RSVPs before that and notify us at least a few hours before the event if you cannot make it. To maintain some order in the group, we will start to remove members from the group if they do not show to an event despite responding "Going".

Upcoming events (4+)

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